Are You Facing Change?

Changes (2) 2

“Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes.”
-Hugh Prathner

Change is alive in the seasons, weathered on our skin with age. It’s in the thrust of death, and of birth. It’s the memory as we clean our grown son’s whiskers off the sink, of the pure scent of his baby soft skin years ago.

Some change is not welcome. It’s about sad news, speeding brain loss, the big ‘C’, a loved one dying, financial fall-out, or unwanted divorce. Or it’s tragedy, a tornado sweeping up a community, a son or daughter a victim of violence.

Other change is welcome, a new job, getting married, starting a dream project, a new home.

I’ve had my share of both wanted and unwanted change – some glorious, some horrific – and I’m still here in one piece. In fact, both the welcome and the painful have graced my life with wisdom.

Sometimes change is slow-coming, however other times serendipity steals us away quickly into something new – a fresh surprise, a gift, grace, a person we never knew suddenly showing up from out of the blue, changing the very direction of our lives for good. I love when that happens.

Either way, change signals ending and beginnings, where was is no more, where we find ourselves in something new, as if we walked from miles away finding ourselves standing in the sun.

Sometimes we know deep within us things are about to change, yet we cling to the illusion of stability, of the sameness that’s really bursting at the seams.

We ignore the cues, the messages being sent that tell us we already know what we need to do next. We know change is right around the corner to meet us, and we’re really ready. We’re just too comfortable in our misery to move forward, or we’re just too afraid to grow bigger and better into who God made us to be.

It’s natural to want to resist change. But it’s best to accept the elephant in the room as a new pet, this big magnificent, awkward lump of an animal that needs attention.

Years back, I watched a Tibetan man who worked hours upon hours creating the most colorful and exquisite sand painting, suddenly blow his finished masterpiece into the wind, colorful specs of sand scattering into the atmosphere.

As I watched the multi-colored grains of sand fly away, I learned a lesson – don’t hold on too tightly to our lives.

Change is a free agent.

This profound moment made me realize stability and beauty are temporary.

Yet, no matter how many transitions I face in life, worry, self-doubt, fear, and despair invade once again during winds of change.  It is only by turning to God, our constant anchor, the everlasting sun behind dark, foreboding clouds, that I return to a balance, to the peace that surpasses all understanding.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”-Joshua 1:9

When we walk through the valley of uncertainty, God is with us.

When we seek first the kingdom of God, fear has no place, no breathing room. As we trust in God’s supernatural direction, we know, as mystic Julian of Norwich once said, “All shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” 

It’s having radical faith in the abundance of God’s love, that “God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches.” -Philippians 4:15

My grocery bill the other day was $29.11 which made me think of a favorite scripture, Jeremiah 29:11 — one I’ve meditated upon over and over again during many difficult life changes.

“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

It’s knowing God will never leave or forsake us no matter how high the waters of change rise in our days.

And it’s God’s pleasure to give us the kingdom.

Holding on to divine promises, we move forward through mirages of Red Sea impossibilities ahead. In faith, we consider God’s promises our life boats, our wings, our every breath, where God at the helm of change guides us to safe, new ground.

In silence, in prayer, during our spiritual practices, during our time in nature, in the great wide open, we listen for the quiet voice of God.

“Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go.. the one who will keep you on track.
”- Proverbs 3:6 (Msg)

“I will instruct you and teach you the way which you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” (Psalm 32:8)

When change is slow coming, too often I fret, struggle, and lose my faith. My husband reminds me, “remember, in God’s time. Try to remember how God worked behind the scenes in your life during times of transition, when you waited for years to get pregnant after miscarriages, and then God blessed you with the miraculous gift of motherhood at 40 years old.

Change arrived with it’s riches, maybe later than I wanted, but it delivered more than I’d ever imagined.

When we’re ready for change, perhaps it’s time to rally out of a year long rut, to launch a creative project, land a new job, take an adventure, grow spiritually, or develop new friendships and relationships. During these times, we need friends, support, hope, and ways to deepen our faith — ways to challenge negative self-talk and doubt. Sometimes we need practical support like a career coach to help us gain clarity, or we need tools to help fine tune and develop needed skills. We may find temporary work while our unfolding visions takes root, and to fulfill our basic needs. As we wait for clarity, we hold near and dear relevant scripture, sacred writings and relevant books that help keep us on course of hearing God’s will.

I’ve written about how I’ve been preparing for the empty nest around the corner, and a needed change in my career. Since this is a biggy, shifting from being a hands on mother for 18-years. to questioning now what, I created a staycation without an end date to assure ample time for reflection during this wanted and needed transition. During my years raising my son, I found a way to be a stay-at-home mom, while creating meaningful work that made a difference. This work came from long months of prayer and reflection. Yet, as years went by I sometimes got lonely or overwhelmed working alone.  The purpose God handed me to pursue made it’s way into the world, paving roads for others to now handle.  As wonderful and impactful this work has been, as I’ve grown and changed, God is creating in me a new song.

Now with my son towering over me, charting his own new path out in the world, this new composition cracking through fertile soil doesn’t yet have a name or a melody. Yet, it speaks in silent yearnings of community, of working with others again, of joy, inspiration, and bringing meaning to those around me.

It’s a tender sprout requiring God’s loving grace to birth it into the world.  Just as a seedling needs sun, water, and enriched soil, such change needs intentional nurturing.  Solitude allows unforced rhythms where new songs arise from God’s fertile ground. Prayer brings intimacy with God where the longing of our hearts merge with God’s will for our lives. Here we can put our requests before God, but more important is being receptive to divine wisdom for the next step during this new phase of our lives.

Patience is key.  Faith is essential.

.”..when you turn to the right hand, and when you turn to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way. Walk in it.” -Isaiah 30

Are you facing change? We love your thoughts and comments!

Sharing today with #SmallWonder and these lovely linkups!

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24 thoughts on “Are You Facing Change?”

  1. Ah, change! I’m in the middle of several myself, with our relocation from Turkey to Texas, and the knowledge that we’ll go back in 6 months, when our adjustment here is complete. Also my son leaving for college.

    I like your reminder that we can’t hold on to life and expect things to stay the same. We’re always changing and growing as a result of the new paths God has for us. Blessings on your new phase, Kathy.

    1. Wow, Betsy! Turkey to Texas — temporarily! That’s a mouthful and a challenge, along with your son leaving for college! I know your faith will carry you..your faithspillingover! What a great name for your blog! So inspiring! Thank you for the blessings, and sending prayers and thoughts your way for this new phase as your son leaves for college, and you return to the US! I’ll be eager to hear more!

  2. There is so much to chew on here, Kathy! I love the idea that God is creating a new song in you … one that will surely utilize much of what you experienced and all the ways you grew during your time as a hands-on mom. Your story is an amazing testament to God’s timing!

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement, Lois! It’s sure is a journey, and it means all the more to share it with all you wonderful women! We’ll see how this next phase of the journey unfolds, it’s an adventure when we can rest in God’s peace! Love having you visit!

  3. It seems God is knitting together a thread, as several of us process the various stages of change, worry, and clinging to faith in the in between. It seems inevitable that many of these things bring about discomfort and pain, but we each anchor ourselves to God, which is such a beautiful thing. It’s so encouraging to be among a community that can readily admit that life throws us some curve balls, but God is greater still.

  4. Your post resonated with me in so many ways.

    I too worked from home, a provision that allowed me to homeschool my children. When it came time for my nest to become empty, I grieved like a death, but the Lord was merciful and gracious to me and placed a desire in my heart for community and gave me many opportunities to do just that…

    Change is in the offing again, difficult change, as I have enjoyed this season so much, a season of having my daughter, son-in-law and seven month old granddaughter live with me and my husband, and now they are ready to buy their own home. Of course, I am happy to see them become established, but this momma’s heart still loves to have her children around.

    There is also the possibility of a major life change for my husband and I…

    Your post encouraged me so much! It actually ties in perfectly with my blog post this week. That being said, I wanted to let you know that I will be featuring your blog post, Are You Facing Change, for my Feature Friday post that will be published this Friday. Please feel free to stop by my blog and grab a button. 🙂

    Again, thank you so much for sharing your insights and the Scripture verses which offered so much comfort.

    1. I love your comment, thank you so much. You’re encouraging me with how God helped you move out of isolation after your empty nest! Your description of how you ‘grieved like a death’ really speaks to some of the grief I haven’t been able to just gave me words to match the vague feelings that slip in and out of my days. I really relate to your motherhood, that bond and joy we feel for our children and’s very real and deep and rich. When the house is empty, we feel the shadows of our loved ones, wishing for their presence! As I get older I see how the changing stages of life require so much faith and wisdom to navigate– and we know God will carry us, but we forget. May you be blessed as you an your husband make a major life change, and as your family moves to their new home. May you find joy in their new dwellings, and cherish the times you’ll spend together. I’m so thrilled to hear you’ll be featuring the post on your Feature Friday post! What a blessing and I hope it touches many who may be navigating change, and will certainly stop by your blog and grab a button! I’m blessed beyond words that this blog blessed you! I couldn’t ask for anything more this lovely moment!

  5. Great post Kathy, so full of wisdom. Most of the time, I welcome change, but when it comes unexpectedly (when I can’t control it in other words!), sometimes it’s a challenge to accept change with a grateful heart.
    Thank you for visiting my site from #TellHisStory ~ returning the favor was a treat 🙂

  6. OH how this speaks to me, Kathy. I was just driving my daughter to and from swim team home and in between while doing errands, I was listening to Beth Moore’s cd. Your post reminded me of one of her devotionals she shared about how we always want things to happen NOW. We live in a world and culture where we want change FAST, and all things to happen immediately- even in our faith.

    But what got me was how she went on to say that this quick ‘purpose’ we seek and go after isn’t using our spiritual gifts to the fullest because they need maturation, nourishment and development. If we dive into a mission before equipping our souls by growing our gifts, how much good will we be for God? *She says it better* lol

    The slow transitions – much like you are doing now- soaking in God’s truth and saturating your heart with prayer and the slow nourishing time to develop whatever gifts you will be using in the next change of your life…Is going to lead you (and me) into a much more fruitful calling and purpose when we arrive. Does that make sense?

    I love that woman. I will listen to the cd again to make sure I really REALLY get it. 🙂

    1. Thank you Chris for your comment and sharing this wonderful wisdom from Beth Moore — as well as your ongoing encouragement!! I love what she says, that when we grab swiftly a ‘purpose’ we’re really leap frogging over our developing gifts. Trusting in God’s timing and having faith is of course harder–especially since we have to let go of control which is scary and feels diminishing–when really what it is is being humble and patient! Believe me, I’m still learning. I will continue to keep you in my prayers as I know God will use your compassionate heart in beautiful ways! I’m walking beside you on this journey!

  7. “When we seek first the kingdom of God, fear has no place, no breathing room.” What a profound and perfect statement Kathy. Such rich testimonies from all of your bloggers who have an incredible foundation of faith and understanding of the strength of the Divine. Each story filled with inspiration and great armor to place in my tool chest of how to be “resilient” in the face of change. I am in awe of Caryn who most of the time embraces change. I realize that I used to embrace change readily as a girl and young adult. However, with the responsibilities of motherhood and the practice of medicine, somewhere along the way…..I lost a lot of my resilience to change. I believe when I have not allowed enough room to pause and connect spiritually that my fear mechanisms are activated much more easily. I became afraid because I would forget that God is with me and would believe that I would need to manage whatever challenges the change would bring ….on my own. Egoism and lack of trust in self would take hold. Now with time to breathe (on my endless sabbatical), I am reminded that I can burn my fears and anxieties in the altar of devotion and offer my life to God as a mark of surrender, accepting the Divine as the real doer and performing my actions with complete trust. Letting go of subconscious attachments I have to stories that simply are not true (i.e. my role as mother of adult children and grandmother) of how things are “supposed to be” continues to require more rewiring of my mind and heartstrings. I continue to work at paying attention to my attachments and dealing with them through spiritual devotion………..working hard to “Love What Is.” My intention is to once again become that girl who, without hesitation, jumped onto Glory (a gorgeous quarter horse) and galloped off into to the open fields……filled with joy an excitement.

    1. What a beautiful, articulate response to both the struggles of embracing change, and the realization of ‘time to breath’ and burning your fears and anxieties in the ‘altar of devotion’ while offering your ‘life to God as a mark of surrender’. What clear and powerful insight! The idea of letting go of subconscious, limiting ‘old stories’ of ourselves is absolutely key, and I so agree..requires a great deal of ongoing ‘rewiring’! I have been trying to notice when the old tapes start running, replacing them with a scripture that challenges such untruth. I love how intentionally you are working on all these parts of your life through your spiritual devotion..such a gift your sabbatical has given you quality time to ‘root’ Godly truth in your soul! I love the intention of your “become that girl who, without hesitation, jumped onto Glory and galloped off into the open fields..filled with joy and excitement”! Beautiful. Your words bring to mind what Jesus said about his teachings, “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” In full…galloping off into open fields! I just so appreciate your beautiful comment!

  8. I really read your posts, not just skim. 🙂

    I’m not facing change. This is a period of peace for me and my heart is so full of it. I know change is around the corner so I’ll take this spot of peace and lift my face to the sun.

    So he’s off, huh? Whiskers and all? My oldest is 11 and I know it will not be long.

    1. I’m so happy to hear this is a period of peace for you, and your heart is full!! What a blessing, I’m smiling hearing from you across the world that your heart is at peace, and yes! Lift your face to the sun!

      Yes, he’s off..whiskers and all..ouch!! It’s not easy. And it goes so fast. Hold on to those special moments with your 11 year old..I recount those days when ‘mom’ was still smart. Of course now I don’t know anything! Blessings to you Jennie. You send me a fresh wind of joy and peace today!

  9. This post has several good points in it. One I love is that you married at 35. I have a son, still single at 31. I pray for him to find a good Christian woman to share his life with.
    Also, on listening for God’s voice, I repeat every day as a reminder (John 10:27) Where Jesus says, “My sheep listen to my voice. I know them, and they follow me.” As you say, listening to his voice is very important. How else do we know where to go to follow him?

    1. So nice to have you read two of my posts! So much appreciate! God truly was with me when I met my husband. I had a long high school relationship –10 yrs. so after that I focused on my career and put off marriage. But by 35 I was more than ready, and boy was I blessed. And then a son at 40! So keep up your prayers for your son, he is still young and many people these days get married later..and of course you’re praying for the right woman! I love John 10:27! And we need to create that time and space to hear God in the midst of our days! So lovely to have you visit!

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