The Good News

The Good News

The Good News

It’s been another full-plate week, so I’m late in writing this week, but want to put words to a light piercing through my heavy heart. I’m on social networks quite a lot lately for work-related research, yet I find it hard to escape the headline news of mass shootings, and the racist fueled death of beautiful student, Richard Collins III.  My heart groans.

Yet, although some days glaring hate and a world gone mad seem dominant forces in this fragile world, we must seek the light in the subversive power of the Good News.

I woke this morning thinking how Jesus lived in a broken world in the first century not too different from our world today. He walked through provinces filled with terrorism, hate, persecution, greed, and evil led by hypocritical politicians and religious alike. Yet, in the face of deep injustices, he set in place a counter cultural movement of Good News — spreading the gospel of God’s love and grace like yeast rising through decades and centuries and lands where I find it today in my heart. The Good News, almost invisible, lives and breathes and moves over, under above, behind, and around us. We just need eyes to see and ears to hear, and radical faith.

This Good News Jesus shared begins with what he tells us are the greatest commandments: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”

The Good News is the hope that all things are possible. It is the joining in a life filled with the mystery of Christ leading the way, even through garbage dumps of the world’s bad news, The Good News awakens a beloved kingdom on earth where we love our neighbors. Where we mourn with them, and celebrate our sorrows and joys. The love of God and our neighbors ushers in hope amidst the world’s darkness.  It is the promise that heaven can be found on earth, right here, right now where we stand for the power of God’s love, truth and justice, and that we, the children of the light, rise like yeast, where we glow in the darkness.


8 thoughts on “The Good News”

  1. I see now how Jesus walked through a broken world too, not unlike our own. The Good News is full of hope that we can prevail through all the craziness and His word lives on, and His deeds are still done. Remembering who has the Victory at the end helps me stay hopeful too. Thanks for this reminder today, Kathy, that Jesus really does know the suffering of the world too, yet never is defeated by it.

  2. YES oh yes, Kathy… What a beautiful and much needed reminder we all must embrace and hold dear to our hearts. There is SO much going on in our world, and the evil oozes out seemingly everywhere- but you’re right, back in Jesus’ day there was evil spreading and attacking everywhere too. I’ll look for the good news in the hidden corners of this world, and I’ll hold tightly to the truth of the cross, the hope that our God is sovereign over all.

    I was JUST thinking this morning- early off to a swim meet, that with my non stop parenting of VERY active kids- this summer filled with swim meets, dive meets, b ball games and events and activities- I want to give my kids this joy filled life, despite the looming threats of a world gone mad. I fear honestly, that our time for a normal life is running out. I’m grateful my kids can live this life- this carefree life with no little influence from the cruel and devastating atrocities that reach into the lives of so many. I know we are blessed with this comfort- for now. And I thank God for it every day.

    1. Hi dear Christine! Finally getting to read your comment after a week down with a flu..always love hearing from you! I love the faith that
      fills your life and your mothering with the joy given freely to us as we reap the fruits of the spirit! Your intention to give your children a joy filled life is beautiful..with the difficult times in our world, claiming God’s love, peace, goodness and joy is the revolution we need to offer our kids. I think of your task as a mom with VERY activie kids! What a time to embrace and enjoy, and you do it with such GRACE!!!!!
      I so love hearing about them, and will be eager to visit your blog asap as I’ve been missing you!

  3. Theresa Beauchamp

    This reminder for Jesus navigating through a fractured and corrupt society with the message of “love” was much needed this week. My 20 year old son was walking the streets of London very close to and during the terrorists were randomly stabbing innocent people who were simply outside enjoying a London Saturday night. Despite a beautiful spiritual retreat that morning, I had to work hard to put my faith in God and stay strong during the high anxiety of knowing my son was in harm’s way. At the same time, I knew that the people of the Middle East have had to live with this type of terrorist violence for decades. I am proud of my son to decide to remain with the grieving Londoners rather than leaving earlier than original plan…as many of his family members supported him doing. He has courage and compassion to stay and enjoy the beauty of the British people and rich culture and stay and grieve with them. Love the spirit of our beautiful youth.

    1. thank you for your beautiful comment..your comments are always deeply inspiring to me! I’m grieved deeply your son had to face the terrorism
      on his trip to London, how sad it is we have to fear for our children traveling. I’m so grateful your faith helped you during that frigthening experience as he was so near where the violence occurred. Your son is one of the brave young men who are not letting terrorism to stop them from having freedom. Warm blessings!

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